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Barcode configurations


The barcode configuration enables goods receipts to be recorded by scanning, which significantly improves and speeds up the efficiency of goods receipt recording.


The configurations that have already been created can be selected and edited here.


When adding a configuration, a name and a description are defined first.

Items can now be added to this configuration, which are categorised as follows:

Mandatory fields



Prefix for data fields for reading. Field can also be empty if start of value contains a value.

Optional fields


Start of value

Start of the character string. The field can be empty if the identifier contains a value.

Value length

Length of the character string that is read out. Field can be empty.

Numbers only

If activated, only numerical data is read.

With decimal point indicator

If the data value has a "decimal point", e.g. weight data

Date-time format

How the date field is read in

Postfix / Suffix

End indicator of a value in the barcode. Field can also be empty.

Mapping key

Field in the COGLAS.


If two barcode configurations overlap, the one with the lower priority is used.

Barcode configuration

if further data is read from a data field. Field can also be empty.

The configuration set up can now be used in goods receipt.

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