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Invoicing enables the warehouse operator to create invoices directly from COGLAS for each client. A basic distinction is made between two variants:

  • Invoicing by list (goods receipt/customer order)

  • Billing by period

Various types of billing items are available that relate to articles, storage units or services. The data from the goods receipt and goods issue lists are used to settle the movement of articles and loading aids. Manual activities that are carried out operationally outside the system can also be included in the invoice - recorded as services.


Configuration of the billing

The configuration consists of the following steps:

  1. Creation of article billing groups

  2. Assignment of billing groups and article master data

  3. Creation of the tax rates under "Account assignment"

  4. Creation of warehouse services for recording additional activities

  5. Tariff classification of warehouse services and various transaction types, such as article or storage unit movements

The billing can then be carried out according to lists and/or period.



Services that have been billed to a list are no longer included in a subsequent billing by period in order to prevent these services from being billed twice. This also applies if billing for this list is deactivated.

If the billing for a list has not been completed, the booked services are taken into account in a billing by period that includes the service date.

When invoices are created cyclically, the billing by list must therefore be finalised before the billing by period!


Centralised overview for managing all invoices created and for creating new invoices by period.



Add billing

Create a new invoice for a client in the service period. Totalling is performed for all item categories stored in the valid tariff.

Not taken into account:

  • Stocks and SUs from lists that have not been fully processed.

  • Goods receipts and sales orders from the period that have already been settled according to the list.


Updates all payroll items. Changes result from:

  • additionally booked or cancelled services and

  • lists that have been closed in the meantime.


Recalculates all items and finalises the invoice. The invoice can then be printed.

Completed invoices cannot be reactivated or edited again. When the button is pressed, the invoice changes its status from "Created" to "Completed".

Print invoice

Creates a PDF preview of the invoice in the browser. When the invoice is printed for the first time, the status of the invoice changes from "Completed" to "Printed". Printing can be triggered as often as required.

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