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Billing & Contract


The storage fee is a form of service billing that is used when a company rents storage space from a logistics service provider. The storage fee is paid to the service provider depending on the storage time, storage space and other determinable parameters such as weight or product categories.

Storage fee initialisation

  1. Place storage fee zone(s) on the topology

  2. Activate billing & contract storage fee on the respective client

    • Optional: Activate "Set GR date as inbound date" (relates to the "StorageUnits" import and also to existing warehouse stocks).

    • A data record with the inbound date (= GR date) is written for the original GR date of the storage unit. However, the data records are not updated to the beginning of the day in the past. We cannot write data in the past. Data is only updated from the current date.

  3. Wait for initialisation per client (yellow text "Initialisation still in progress" under checkbox "Activate billing & contract storage fee"). Check: keep updating in COGLAS (not F5)


With Billing & Contract, the procedure is identical for storage fee and services.

Rules → Templates → Invoices

  1. First of all, rules are created that offer various filters and limitation options for calculating the respective items of the invoice.

  2. Templates can now be created from the rules in order to generate invoices quickly and efficiently for specific purposes and clients without having to create them from scratch.

  3. The invoices are created from the templates. However, they can still be edited until a final invoice has been generated.

Zone ‘Storage fee‘ / Zone ‘Inventory on the reporting date’ is changed (reduced / enlarged)

  • Reducing the size of the storage fee zone: the data saved up to that point is still available in the collection when the zone is "reduced", as it is already saved in the collection. No further changes are made to the existing data. Only for the data (storage units) that are located within the storage fee zone.

  • Enlarging the storage fee zone: no initialisation takes place, only new storage units or stock changes that take place in the storage fee zone are saved in the collection.

  • Important: Deactivate Billing & Contract storage money / stock on all mandates on the key date and then reactivate.

Deactivating and activating Billing & Contract storage fee at the client

  • Deactivate: As soon as "Billing & Contract Warehouse fee" is deactivated for the respective client, no more data is written daily. The existing data is retained.

  • Activate: The data records are completely reimported and all possible data for the current day and the following day or all future data is deleted and rewritten.

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