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Equipment types


Loading aids are items or devices used to facilitate the transport and storage of goods.

Here are some examples of loading aids:

  • Carton

  • Euro pallet

  • Roll container

  • Collapsible container

  • Crate

These loading aids play an important role in warehouse and logistics management as they help improve efficiency and safety in handling goods. They enable goods to be stacked neatly, moved easily, and protected from damage.

In COGLAS, loading aids are required for most processes.


Input Options

Mandatory fields



Name of the load carrier.

Unladen weight

Weight of the load carrier without goods in kilograms.


Width of the load carrier in metres.


Depth of the load carrier in metres.


Height of the load carrier in metres.

Optional fields



The load carrier can be described.

Load capacity

The maximum load capacity of the load carrier can be specified in kilograms.

Max. Total height

The maximum total height with goods can be specified in metres.

Suitable for forklift trucks

Selection field: You can select whether the load carrier is suitable for forklift trucks.

Suitable for order picking

Selection field: You can select whether the load carrier is suitable for order picking processes.

Suitable for packaging

Selection field: You can select whether the load carrier is suitable for packaging.

Suitable for LHM accounts

Selection field: You can select whether the load carrier is suitable for LHM accounts.


Checkbox: The loading equipment can be deactivated.

Max. Article width

The maximum item width that can be loaded on the loading aid can be specified in metres.

Max. Item length (depth)

The maximum item length/depth that can be loaded on the loading equipment can be specified in metres.

Max. Article height

The maximum item height that can be loaded on the load carrier can be specified in metres.

Max. Number of items

The maximum number of items that can be loaded on the load carrier can be specified.

Area restriction

The area in which the load carrier may be used can be specified.

Freight forwarder restriction

You can specify which forwarder may/can use the loading equipment.


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