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Import / Export


A variety of data can be read into or output from the system via Import / Export. To prepare for an import, the desired data type should first be exported to match the data structure of the Excel, XML or JSON file.

Import XML and JSON files, see chapter Interfaces > Setup interface. Under Interfaces > General there is an overview of all fields of the data in the “COGLAS WEB WMS mapping.xlsx” file. In the other tabs, e.g. articles and delivery orders, are examples of. JSON, XML and CSV files are available.

Alternatively, you can use the export to get live examples from your system.

In column A of the Excel file, only one of the following keywords may be used:




Creation of a new data set or to change a existing data set

(delete data set)

The delete function must be used with care to avoid data loss. In case of any ambiguity, you should consult COGLAS Support in advance.


Field-Mapping Tool

The mapping tool is used to import a customized Excel file. The tool can be accessed via the frontend under System → Import/Export and gives the user the possibility to map a customer-defined Excel table (with defined columns) with the Coglas-side columns.





Here you can import the Excel table by drag and drop. Alternatively, you can also import the file via the document icon.

If the filed file is not correct, you can delete it with the trash icon and import it again.

There are 3 message types (Articles, Goods in orders, Customer orders) which can be imported. When the selection is made, the column names headers that are important in Coglas for the particular message type appear.

There is the distinction between mandatory columns that must always be mapped. Other fields are optional and can be mapped.

You can click on the field and then move it to the corresponding column with which you want to map the header.

You can also undo the assignment with one click and select another field with drag and drop.

Blue = value in the Excel table
Orange = column name in the Excel tableThese markings are for illustrative purposes.

With “Import file” the data attachment of the assignments will be imported.


A customer-specific Excel table is read in and a message type is selected:





Not all required fields have been assigned

Mandatory fields must be assigned. Required fields are circled in red.

Processing of the message failed

This message appears when values in the Excel table are not formated correctly or there are problems with the Excel table.

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