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Info scan


The Infoscan is used to scan a barcode or manually enter a value. COGLAS then uses the input to determine which reference could be made to it. Usually a storage unit ID number or a storage bin barcode is scanned.

On the pages opened for the Infoscan, you can work with the available functions as usual.


Multiple results for input

Several results can be found for the Infoscan. If this is the case, these are displayed with a title. Example value 4711 as article number, storage bin barcode and storage unit IDNR.

The user can use the selection and linking of the value to view the detailed result.


Overview Infoscan inputs



Article number

The info scan for the article number displays the article master data in the results window. The available functions can be used as usual on the opened page.

The [Back] button takes you back to the Infoscan page.

Storage bin barcode

The Infoscan for the storage bin barcode displays the stock overview for the storage bin barcode in the results window. The available functions can be used as usual on the opened page.

The [Back] button takes you back to the Infoscan page.

Storage unit IDNR

The Infoscan for the storage unit displays the IDNR storage units found in the results window. The available functions can be used as usual on the opened page.

The [Back] button takes you back to the Infoscan page.

SSCC validation with leading GS1 data identifier 00:
The scan entry for the IDNR of the storage unit can also be made with the GS1 data identifier 00. The entry is expected to be 20 characters long and begins with the data identifier 00. Only the last 18 characters of the value are then used for the storage unit search.

The search for an 18-character SSCC can also be carried out without the GS1 data identifier 00. Both Infoscan variants are possible.

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