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Instant billing position template


In order to quickly fill manual invoices with ready-made invoice items, the user can choose these from a selection. The immediate invoice item templates are used for this purpose.

This is particularly convenient as invoice items can be stored with cost centres, tax rates and G/L accounts, among other things.


The overview of all recorded invoice item templates is displayed as follows.


Create immediate invoice item template

Another template can be added using the image-20240627-131743.png button. The following content can be added:

Field name



Key, unique name


Description of the invoice item template


Can field, entry of a euro value, 3 decimal places, the field may be empty

Tax key

Tax rate, selection from the previously stored tax keys

General ledger account

General ledger account, selection from the previously stored General ledger accounts

Cost center

Cost centre, selection from the previously stored cost centres

Is deactivated

A data record can be deactivated and is then no longer available for selection in the manual invoices.

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