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Instant billings


To correct storage fee billings (also later service fee billings) or simply to enter manual invoices, the user needs a tool with which he can create credit notes or manual invoices.


The instant billings are displayed one below the other as a list in the overview.


Add Instant billing


Firstly, all header data for the instant billing is defined. The fields marked in red are mandatory fields. These include the following points:



Creation date

Creation date of the invoice

Invoice number

either Temp+invoice number (status ready for invoice) or real invoice number (status invoiced)

Invoice date

The date of performance to be shown on the invoices is the time at which a delivery is recognised for VAT purposes. A misjudgement of the date leads to incorrect VAT returns and invoices. When an invoice is first created, the invoice date is never filled in; it can be entered manually.

If an invoice is to be created without the invoice date being filled in, a warning is displayed to the user indicating this fact.


Unique name for this invoice


Textual description of the invoice


Selection of a client for this invoice

Billing period from

The billing period from indicates the start date of the billing period.

Billing period until

The billing period to indicates the end date of the billing period.

Performance period from

The service period from specifies the start date of the service provision.

Performance period until

The service period to specifies the end date of the service provision.


Created, Ready for invoice, Invoiced, Printed, Cancelled

Bill recipient

The invoice recipient of the invoice, there must always be one. The invoice recipient is usually the client who has received a specific delivery or service.

Customer reference number

A reference number for this invoice, which is also printed.

Bill text

Continuous text for outputting an invoice text on the invoice

Terms of payment

Continuous text for outputting the terms of payment on the invoice

Tax key

Tax keys ensure that the business transactions are shown in the correct position in the advance VAT return and that the tax is calculated correctly.

If required for the accounting interface, tax keys can be created and managed under System - Tax keys.

General ledger account

In accounting, a General ledger account is any general ledger account that is included directly in the balance sheet or income statement.

If required for the accounting interface, it can be created and managed under System - General ledger account.

Cost center

This is a place in the company where costs are incurred and services are provided. Cost centres can be departments or areas of responsibility and can be formed according to functional, spatial or other aspects.

Is required for the accounting interface, can be created and managed under System - Cost center.

Is deactivated

Invoice is applicable (deactivated = FALSE)


Items to be invoiced can now be added to the instant invoice.


If instant invoice item templates have already been created, you can fill in the predefined fields by selecting ‘Copy data from template’.



Apply data from template

Selection of an instant billing position template


Unique name for this invoice


Textual description of the invoice

Quantity unit

The unit of measure of the position


The quantity of the position

Unit price

Price per unit in €

Total price

If the quantity and price per unit are not set, a total price can be specified.

Tax key

Tax rate, selection from the previously stored tax key

General ledger account

General ledger account, selection from the previously stored general ledger accounts

Cost center

Cost center, selection from the previously stored cost centre


The status of the position

Create invoice




Create invoice

The added header and item data are added to the invoice.

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