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List Actions


List actions can be triggered by external systems. Different functions are available for each list type.

The process of performing the desired list action is called “ProcessList”. Analog to the transfer of lists or master data via WebApi, the PUT command “processmessagetype” is used. See chapter Creation of lists/master data and actions under Interfaces ‘ Setup interface.

Available list actions

List type

Action command



  1. StartGoodsReceiving

  2. Activate / Deactivate

  1. Transfer the order to a delivery note including all items and quantities.

  2. Deactivate or reactivate list

(Delivery note)

  1. AutomaticCollection

  2. Activate / Deactivate

  1. Starts the automatic collection of the delivery note, transfer to goods receipt.

  2. Deactivate or reactivate list

GoodsInReceipt (Goods receipt)

  1. Register

  2. Activate / Deactivate

  1. Posting the goods receipt. Creation of SUs and stocks, creation of TOs if necessary.

  2. Deactivate or reactivate list

CustomerOrder (Customer order)

  1. StartOrder

  2. Activate / Deactivate

  1. Start of the sales order. Reservation of stock and creation of TOs / comms picks.

  2. Deactivate or reactivate list

GoodsOutReceipt (Goods out)

  1. StartLoading

  2. Activate / Deactivate

  1. Start of loading. Reservation of stocks and creation of TOs for goods issue.

  2. Deactivate or reactivate list

ProductionOrder (Production order)

  1. StartProductionSupply

  2. CreateProductionReceipt

  3. SetManualDone

  4. Activate / Deactivate

  1. Start of production supply to bring raw materials to the production line.

  2. Transfer of the production order items to the production inbox.

  3. Manual completion of the production order in the event of over/under delivery.

  4. Deactivate or reactivate list

Produktionseingang (ProductionReceipt)

  1. Register

  2. Activate / Deactivate

  1. Booking of the production receipt. Generation of SUs and stocks, creation of TOs if necessary.

  2. Deactivate or reactivate list

InventoryOrder (Inventory order)

  1. StartOrder

  2. Activate / Deactivate


  • List actions can be triggered by external systems. Different functions are available for each list type.

  • The process of performing the desired list action is called “ProcessList”. Analog to the transfer of lists or master data via WebApi, the PUT command “processmessagetype” is used. See chapter Creation of lists/master data and actions under Interfaces ‘ Setup interface.

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