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The logging is active. Service, connections and data exchange are logged.

The service can usually be determined from the logs.

  • Data lines with current time stamp indicate that the service is active and working.

  • WARNING and ERROR indicate that there is an error and the data should be checked more closely.

Protocol directory

Die Default Ablage erfolgt im Programmverzeichnis des DataInterface Webservices.

= “.\Datainterface_XML\App_Data\Log”

Protocol files

Two log files are provided:

  • Service.log

  • Profile.sql

The Service.log log handles the DataInterface web service start and stop and the ASCII file .

The Profile.sql log handles the SQL database connection. Here usually the connection establishment and connection termination incl. the SQL transactions are logged.

See “Protocol directory” a filing is provided. This can be customized individually.

It is recommended not to change the storage directory. If a customization is made, then the protocol storage should be set near the / files.

Maximum number
Default setting = 90 files. The parameter is adjustable.

Remark! Once deleted, log files cannot be restored.

File size
Default setting = 1MB

The parameter is adjustable.

4 files are managed in each case. One active and 3 backup files (BK1 – BK3). The file volume must therefore always be calculated 4 times.

With 1MB, 4x 1MB = 4MB are created.
With 5MB, 4x 5MB = 20MB are created.

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