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Multi order picking


Multi-pick (cross-order picking).

With multi-pick, the picker processes several customer orders simultaneously, which are combined into one batch. At the first stage, picking is order-neutral and material-orientated. The 1-n customer orders are set up either automatically or manually on the transport trolley (multi-pick trolley). The KLE (picking storage unit) is then married to the multi-pick trolley. The customer orders are either picked together in one container or in separate containers (KLE - picking storage unit). This principle reduces the walking distances (dead times) of the order pickers. As a result, more customer orders can be processed in less time and efficiency is increased.

Topology overview

Warehouse overview

  • (..) - Transport trolley - WA01

  • (..) - Transport trolley - WA02 etc.

See Image 1 for an example of the Warehouse overview for the transport trolley.

  • The transport trolley WA04 has one Field with 2 levels and 4 storage locations each for a picking container assignment.

  • A total of 8 picking containers can be set up on the WA04 transport trolley.

  • Depending on the number of picking containers for a customer order, 1-8 customer orders can be set up here and started for the Multipick tour.

Image 1


The warehouse overview has additional buttons for the transport trolley:

  • See Image 1 Buttons bar at the bottom right.

  • [Deposit picking trolley equipments] button

    • At the end of picking, unused picking containers must be disarmed.

    • If the [Deposit picking trolley equipments] button is clicked, all empty picking containers are disarmed in the staging area.

  • [Tear down picking trolley] button

    • The transport trolley for a multipick setup has been started.

    • The transport trolley is now selected and no longer available for selection by other sessions and other users.

    • To cancel the multipick setup use the button [Tear down picking trolley].

    • Note! The [Tear down picking trolley] button only works with an empty transport trolley.

  • Default process : End of picking

    • Picking has been completed and all picking containers have been used and disarmed. The transport trolley is now automatically reset and is available for a new multipick tour.

    • Both buttons are therefore not required for a normal picking process!


Prerequisite for picking different customer orders into a picking container during manual set-up:

  1. Same Client

  2. same Carrier

  3. same Recipient

(exception: pick trolley set-up with active ‘Mixed order picking’ checkbox allows different recipients).

Additionally: A warehouse structure for a transport trolley must exists. A high rack with the option “Movable=true“.




Process history

Customer order menu

  • Create sales order with client, forwarder and recipient incl. item(s).

  • [Start order]

Picking menu

  • Multipick selection

  • Transport trolley setup selection: Automatic or Manual.

  • Transport trolley setup selection: Automatic or manual.

  • Set up transport trolley: Automatic

    • Customer orders with existing order picking planning are automatically set up on the transport trolley for the calculated SUs (order picking storage unit).

    • Confirmation of the KLE on the transport trolley.

    • [Start tour]

  • Transport trolley set-up: Manual

    • Customer order selection list. Customer orders can be set up for the transport trolley from the list.

    • Confirmation of the KLE on the transport trolley.

    • [Start tour]

  • Tour starts. Storage bin picking is route-optimised - based on the stored route routine.


Mixer assignment on a picking container

Several customer orders are to be stored together in one picking container.

Requirement for picking different customer orders into a picking contianer during manual set-up:

  1. same Client

  2. same Carrier

  3. same Recipient

Exception: Pick trolley set-up with active ‘Mixed order picking’ checkbox allows different recipients.


Disarm picking container(s)

‘Automatic disassembly’ function

  • As soon as the last order picking item has been processed, the picking containers are automatically disassembled.

  • Dismantling takes place in the warehouse structure that has the ‘Staging outbound depositing’ system zone.

‘Manual teardown’ function

  • After the last order picking item has been processed, the window for manual disassembly opens.

  • The picking container must be scanned. The expected picking location or provision is displayed for the picking container. The corresponding topology node barcode must be scanned in as a destination confirmation.

  • All picking containers for the transport trolley must be scanned for manual dismantling and confirmed at the destination.


End of multi-pick order picking

At the end of picking for the multi-pick, the customer order is set to the status ‘Ready for loading’.

Subsequent processes can be started.






Mixed order picking MultiPick

Mixed picking does not work for manual set-up. It is not possible to pick 2 orders in one box.

See ‘Mixer assignment on a picking container

The requirements must be met for KLE storage.


Customer order was set up on a transport trolley.

How can the setup for an order be taken back?

There is no option to take back or cancel the customer order on a transport trolley.


  • Open the picking control center. Select all positions from your customer order that are still open for picking and cancel all items.

  • Already prepared picking container on the transport trolley are now released from the customer order.

  • At the end of picking to the transport trolley, use the [Deposit picking trolley equipments] button to disarmed unused picking containers.

  • If the transport trolley is not yet available again for a multi-pick tour, use the [Tear down picking trolley] button.

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