Print output in COGLAS
The print output in COGLAS is an important component. It can be used to output analyses, reference lists, reports, lists and labels.
Printing takes place via the COGLAS web browser screen. The printout is usually triggered manually. The printout is then displayed with the page preview in the local browser.
Print output in COGLAS
Function | Description | |
1 | Print output via local browser Page preview | Prerequisite:
2 | Print output with automatic printing to the "workstation" | Prerequisite:
3 | Print output with automatic printing to the "workstation" and PrintController | Prerequisite:
The following table shows a selection of examples. There are many more print outputs in COGLAS, but these are not shown in full here.
Example | Function | |
1 | Goods receipts: Print all SSCC labels |
2 | Stock overview - SU details: reprint SSCC label |
3 | Sales order: Print overview |
4 | Outgoing goods: Print all shipping units |
5 | Outgoing goods: Print loading list |
6 | Outgoing goods: Print delivery note |
Technical questions
Technical questions and answers on print design and output.
Questions about the print output | Answers | |
1 | How does print preparation take place, or how is the data converted into a printable format? | The print preparation (report template + dynamic data) takes place in the backend. The result is transferred to the local browser (front end) and this displays the document in the page preview. The page preview can be sent to a printer via the browser for printing or saved as a file. |
2 | Does this take place on the client via the browser via HTML/JavaScript/CSS? | No. Print preparation in the backend (web service). |
3 | Are there any restrictions when selecting and connecting of printers are there any restrictions or recommendations from your side? |
4 | Front-end print control | Optionally, a COGLAS PrintController can be used. Here, the print output is redirected from the local browser to a previously selected printer. Print preparation continues to take place in the backend. The output is only redirected here. |
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