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A new rate for a client is created with the date (Effective from) from which it becomes valid. Agreed price changes can thus be stored in the system in advance.

In a tariff, billing item categories are provided with prices in euros per unit.

If an item is not to be billed / appear on the invoice, simply leave the field for the tariff empty.


Positions categories

The following item categories are available:



Article Goods receipt

Price per unit of an item (by assigned article billing groups) that was received in the goods receipt.

The individual item is taken into account directly after receipt.

Article Goods issue

Price per unit of an item (by assigned article billing groups) that was removed from storage via a sales order in goods issue.

The individual item is taken into account after the goods issue has been posted.


Price per recorded service.

Inclusion in the invoice takes place on the service date.


Price per pick (access to a quant) during picking. This is not the number of individual parts picked, but the number of compartments, storage locations or storage units accessed.

Storage unit goods receipt

Price per storage unit received at goods receipt. The storage unit is calculated directly after receipt.

Storage unit goods issue

Price per storage unit that was booked out in the goods issue.

The storage unit is calculated after the goods issue has been posted.

Storage fee (daily)

Calculation of the storage fee according to the daily maximum value of the storage occupancy per storage unit type.

The current stock per storage unit type in the warehouse is taken each day and all receipts are added to it; issues are not taken into account. All days are then added together and settled over the settlement period.

For the calculation of the storage fee, only SUs that are located in a node that has the zone storage fee (maximum value), either inherited or directly assigned, are taken into account. Data is only available up to the day before the current date, as by definition only past days are taken into account.

Storage fee (period)

Calculation of the storage fee according to the maximum value principle of the storage occupancy per storage unit type. At the beginning of the accounting period, the current number of SUs is determined for each SU type; all SUs received during this period are added together; issues are not taken into account.

Receipts are goods receipts and newly created SUs in picking or packing; for the calculation of the storage fee, only SUs that are located in a node that has the zone storage fee (maximum value), either inherited or directly assigned, are taken into account. Data is only available up to the day before the current date, as by definition only past days are taken into account.

Storage fee: maximum number of storage units (period)

The date with the highest level is determined for all loading equipment types over the billing period. Additions and disposals are not taken into account. The value and date are then printed on the invoice with the respective maximum level for each type of loading equipment.

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