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Version Update: Manual relocation does not work


The amount deals with a situation after a COGLAS version update.

The function LE stock transfer in the warehouse overview no longer works after a COGLAS version update. The role authorisations have been checked and are available.

FAQ: Manual repositioning does not work


The stock transfer function in the warehouse overview no longer works after a COGLAS version update.



The role authorisations have been checked and are available.



After a version update, function changes can also lead to a change in authorisation. Existing roles from before the update do not recognise the ‘new’ function rights.

Result = The selected function in COGLAS does not work, although the previous authorisation is active in the role.


Workaround solution

If the explicit authorisation is known, the role should be edited.

  • Remove the authorisation and [Save].

  • Then edit again and add the authorisation again and [Save].

The function with the change to the version update should now work again.

Rectification of the situation

The explicit situation regarding the FAQ contribution should therefore be resolved as follows.





The ‘Relocate SU’ function does not work.

Check authorisation for the function.

See picture, the rights should be activated for the function.


Rights are available, but the function is still not possible.

For the user role, see image, remove the rights and [Save].

Then edit the role again and add the authorisation again and [Save].



The function should now be operational again.

Check the ‘Relocate SU’ function.


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