In the period Mon - Fri from 06:00 - 09:00, 12:00 - 13:00, 16:00 - 17:00 and at weekends, the web service test.coglas.com is restarted and updated. Testing may therefore be interrupted. The restarts are planned (e.g. update) and are carried out on test.coglas.com without notice to the Customer.
For on-premises Customers, restarts of the test systems are only carried out in consultation with the Customer. Production systems are only restarted in consultation with the Customer.
If the system is not used for a longer period of time, the user may be automatically logged out. Refreshing the browser page followed by a new login to the system should resolve the fault.
Select the stock to be transferred in the warehouse overview
Click "Transfer stock"
Select the target SU or create a new SU
"Relocate SU" relocates the entire storage unit.
"Transfer stock" transfers the stock from one storage unit to another. A new SU can also be created if required.
System zones are necessary settings that are currently only made by COGLAS to prevent incorrect configuration. These are created when the system is set up and only need to be adjusted in exceptional cases.
Various options for interrupting TA processing are available via the system menu in the top right-hand corner:
Reject - Fault
Reject - source storage bin empty
Complete order item
Exit processing
A menu is opened or a function is executed in COGLAS. The display in the following window is blank. The process is repeated, but the display in the following window remains empty.
This is usually caused by a missing authorisation, which is no longer available due to the current roles. The COGLAS update can contain new detail rights without notification, which are automatically deactivated when they are created.
The missing authorisation can be researched independently. COGLAS Support can also assist with this. The Customer is usually responsible for maintaining the role rights.
Situation | Measures | |
1 | COGLAS role and rights management |
2 | Create new role |
3 | System roles and changes |
In the project, data for the data interface is processed both incoming and outgoing. In the project, data for the data interface is processed either only incoming or only outgoing.
The data feedback is incomplete in individual cases and cannot be processed by the Customer host system.
Situation | Measures | |
1 | Provided there is an incoming data interface. |
2 | Verification check in the "Revision history" |
Please always use the HTTPS version of the URL, e.g. https://kundenname.coglas.com, as using HTTP can lead to connection problems or server timeouts.
A version update of the COGLAS application has been carried out.
An older COGLAS version (less than 2.99) has been updated to a newer version.
As of version 2.99, new security functions and guidelines have been introduced. The HTTP web service call must be explicitly activated, as HTTP is deactivated by default.
Consult COGLAS support or the technician who carried out the version update.
Warehouse structure
The barcode is stored incorrectly in the topology and must be checked.
Check #1 - Check the storage bin that should apply to the barcode.
Check #2 - Check the storage bin that is output for the barcode.
Correct the barcode in the storage bin
Repeat the info scan for the barcode to rule out multiple assignments.
Initial situation
A storage unit in the warehouse is to be booked out directly.
The storage unit and the stock on it are not in use.
Option #1 - Warehouse overview [Transfer storage unit]
When using the target node barcode 19000 the object is getting booked out.
The barcode 19000 is assigned to the system storage node “Vernichtete Waren” (destroyed goods).
The function can be used immediately.
Option #2 - Scrapping
System Zone ID “Scrap” has to be assigned to a storage node.
The function [Destroy storage units] is now shown in the “Warehouse overview” at the storage node.
Using the function [Destroy storage units] will stock out the marked storage unit(s).
See https://help.coglas.com/en/scrapping-destruction for description.
Option #3 - Event “Transfer storage units to single node zone”
Use the event to book out stock from a storage node.
See https://help.coglas.com/en/event-book-storage-units-in-zone for description.
Incoming goods
Check strategy: Has the "Generate transfer orders" option been selected for the chosen strategy? If no, this is an unplanned variant in which the goods are to be moved to the warehouse by the employee without a TO.
Goods out
Click on the red-coloured quantity of the SU to open a link to the corresponding orders.
The Customer order is outsourced according to several specifications. Check whether the following list is an option for you.
Situation | Measures | |
1 | The item has insufficient available stock to completely remove the item from storage. |
2 | The item has maintained the specification for "Quantity per storage unit". |
3 | Specified stock qualifications |
4 | Which withdrawal is expected? Whole storage unit or picking. |
5 | Menus for transport order processing |
The stock reservation for the Customer order could be created with "Start order". However, the Customer order now remains in status.
Here you need to consider which processes are active. The following table lists a number of reasons and searches that clarify whether the process is present and must therefore be processed in advance before the Customer orders is activated for transport.
Situation | Measures | |
1 | The Customer order item was manually assigned to a stock. The [Start order] button may not have been pressed yet. | Check the [Start order] button again. There may be a misunderstanding and the button has not yet been triggered. |
2 | The strategy for the Customer order uses a pre-collection strategy. There is an open stock pick for a storage unit with the stock reservation on it. | See the strategy used with an "advance strategy" in the strategy item. Menu: System - Transport - Preliminary requirements
3 | "Staggered Customer order start" process Customer order in "In process" status. However, one or more Customer order items remain in "Stock allocation" status. | The "Staggered Customer order start" process is set up. The transport is created according to the specified sequence. Menu: System - Transport - Transport rules
Resets the status to "Created" in order to display it again in the main picking menu. If a user is already processing the pick item when the status is reset, the system forces them to leave it.
Text from Customer order item is displayed in the picking dialogue (→ Notes) and directly in the TO processing dialogue
Delivery note from Customer order appears on the delivery note in the Note field
Loading note from Customer order appears on delivery note as packing note
Note from Customer order appears in the packing dialogue
All pallets provided
Tour formation
"Start loading"
TO processing (all but at least one)
In TO processing → System → Complete order item
Warning: Do you really want to complete? (reservations and TO are cancelled)
The WA note automatically removes the cancelled item and the shipping documents are adjusted accordingly
Print loading list again
The Customer order history can be checked in the "Revision history" tab in the Customer order menu. The details are recorded here chronologically with status and name.
In the Inventory movements menu, the postings for the Customer order number can be displayed chronologically. The search is based on the Customer order number. Items, source and destination storage units, the name of the person carrying out the order and entries are displayed if, for example, no GTIN could be used for scanning.
Status - SLC (Small Load Carriers) Disassembly status unknown
Open the Customer order and check the status of the Customer order.
Status "Picking" means that the picking process is still in progress or has not been completed by disassembly. Continue with "Status - SLC must be dismantled".
Status "Ready for loading" means that picking has been completed. Continue with packing or loading.
Status - SLC (Small Load Carriers) must be dismantled.
Open the Customer order and open the items with the stock allocation.
Here you can see which SLC has been used and where it is currently located. Pin the window.
SLC containers in the "Disassembly provision WA" system zone have been disassembled. No action required.
CLE containers in the "Picking area" system zone have not been dismantled. Open the warehouse overview and select the storage location where the SLC is located. Select the CLE container with the checkbox and press the [Switch off CLE] button. Confirm the query with OK. The SLC has now been scaffolded to the "Scaffolding provision WA" system zone.
Check the status of the Customer order item. Continue with the next item / SLC.
Status "Ready for loading" means that picking has been completed. Proceed with packing or loading.
If this status is not available, check your Customer order using the "FAQ Goods issue 7: How can I check the status of the SLC and, if necessary, subsequently disassemble it?"
#1 Orders with different clients.
#2 Orders with different recipients.
Only orders with identical clients and recipients can be picked together into a KLE (picking storage unit).
Picking: Single user picking
PickingOrder.Options.SingleUserOrderPicking is active. Another user has started processing the order in a different zone. The storage option prevents picking in the other zones.
Either deactivate the storage option or complete the order in the other zone. (Caution with manual teardown, it can hang longer)
Manual setup only displays orders that do not yet have picking list IDs, i.e. that have not yet been processed by another employee.
Set up automatically
Zone-serialised picking
Automatic teardown
It is not possible to cancel or undo the customer order setup on a transport trolley.
Open the sales order in the picking control station and cancel all items.
KLEs already set up on the transport trolley are now released from the sales order.
At the end of picking to the transport trolley, use the [Cancel CLE] button.
If the transport trolley is not yet available again for a multi-pick tour, use the [Dismantle pick trolley] button.
The browser may prevent several pop-ups from opening.
Action: The COGLAS website must be allowed to open pop-ups in the browser.
Initial situation
Entry of an article stock
At least one dynamic type of stock qualification is active.
The entry value is empty.
Entry in the database is NULL.
Entry of a Customer order item.
At least one dynamic type of stock qualification is active.
The entry value is empty.
Entry in the database is NULL.
Article stock change
The dynamic type of stock qualification is now adjusted and saved in the item stock.
The value is then removed and saved again.
The entry value is empty.
Entry in the database is made with "".
Start Customer order / storage bin search
The dynamic type of stock qualification is compared between the item stock and the Customer order item.
Article stock = ""
Customer order item = NULLStorage bin search ends with "No storage bin found."
Align the values of the dynamic type stock qualification between item stock and Customer order item.
(a) Article stock: Set stock qualification = NULL on the database.
The target is NULL=NULL.(b) Customer order item: Edit. Set the value of the stock qualification to a value, save and empty the value and save. The target is ""="".
Data interface
COGLAS "System - Data interface - Import/Export"
The import reports an error if an Excel list is specified for import.
The COGLAS data interface import processes the data formats JSON, XML and Excel into a valid message type.
A created report output is not suitable for the data import! Do not use.
Create a data export in JSON, XML and Excel. You can then use this as a template for the data import.
Data import for message type "TopologyNodes_v*" performed.
The warehouse overview no longer shows any data!
The data import was successful.
However, the data had an error.
Example - The import file was customised. A "space bar" was entered and saved in an empty cell in Excel. The import does not reject the "space bar" value, but the value is validated in the warehouse overview and may cause a display error if validated negatively.
Carry out the test in the test system. Never carry out a "test" in the PROD system!
Restore the last status with the previously created backup.
See example with the value "Space bar". Deliberately empty all cells in the Excel table with [DEL] and save the Excel table. Repeat the data import.
Save an export from the PROD system and import it into the test system.
Use the template from the PROD system and import it again in the test system with the customisation.
Situation following COGLAS version update
A version update has been carried out in the COGLAS system.
The "Warehouse overview: Transfer storage units" does not accept any input.
Stock transfer is possible via menu "Warehouse overview: Equipment details - Transfer equipment".
You can use Info Scan function. Here you scann the storage unit barcode and from the Equipment details you can use the Transfer equipment.
The version update may contain changes to the authorization.
The authorization is mapped by COGLAS roles.
COGLAS system roles are updated for the version update.
Individual customer roles are NOT updated for the version update.
Edit and save individual customer roles.
After saving, the changes are recorded and the function should react normally again.
Printing situation
PrinterController active: Print preview in the browser.
Protocol PrinterController = Ok.
Protocol Webservice Websocket = ERROR exists
Error message = “Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.”
The Windows registry entry for “SumatraPDF.exe” is missing.
SumatraPDF has been uninstalled and/or reinstalled or a current SumatraPDF version has been installed on top of the current version.
Open the Windows Registry and check the SumatraPDF entry. The registration key for the application executable should exist or has to be created manually.
Registry key: “
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe
“Registry entry:
Name = (Standard)
Type = REG_SZ
Data = Path and \SumatraPDF.exe
The COGLAS PrinterController setup has been completed successfully.
Printing is still only triggered in the browser page preview.
Does the printer print a test page?
COGLAS workplace
Have you logged on to a workstation?
The workplace has a position with an assigned report type and print name?
See FAQ “Print preview in the browser despite PrinterController activated.“
COGLAS Menue: System - PrintController Status.
= true or false?UsePrinterController
= true or false?PrinterController
= true or false?PrinterController
= Is the required printer included in the list?All points must be “true” for the print to work in general.
Execution as a command line call or as a Windows service?
Execution as command line call - The test should always be carried out first. The local rights are based on the Windows login user. At the end, stop the execution of the PrinterController with CTRL+C. If necessary, check the task manager to see whether a cmd.exe application is still running in the background.
Execution as Windows service - The service is running? Start the service if necessary.
Execution as Windows service - The service is running under the “Local system” right for standard setup. All printers on the system are accessible. Write permissions for logging and PDF file output may need to be checked when using user permission restrictions. Use PDF file output under the standard download directory.
Connection problems or connection restrictions (firewall). Check your COGLAS web service call in the browser and log in. This connection can be used as confirmation to successfully test the web service host connection.
COGLAS PrinterController logging. The log files for the current date are stored in the PrinterController execution path under \logs. Check the current log file and see if it contains any error messages.
The possible cause could already be found using the checklist.
You can use the checklist to further check and fix the situation. If you have no experience with the COGLAS PrinterController, support is recommended. Please contact the COGLAS Consultant or COGLAS Support for this.
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