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Mail server setup


This section describes how to set up the mail server in the server\Web.Config.

The setup is important, among other things, in order to use the mail dispatch in COGLAS or to be able to send the reports in the event centre by mail.

Important: The web service and the app pool must then be restarted in order to start sending mails!

Parameters of the Server\Web.Config

Required fields



the name of the host you use to send emails.
e.g. ‘


the username of the sender that you use to send emails.
e.g. ‘’


The domain name of the host you use to send emails.
e.g. ‘’


the password in plain text of the sender you use to send emails.


The e-mail of the sender you use to send e-mails.
e.g. ‘’

Optional fields in the event of a transmission error

<section name="CoglasPro.Core.Services.SendMailService.Properties.Settings" type="CoglasPro.Core.Services.SendMailServiceConfigurationSection" />


It can happen in older Web.Configs that the ‘SendMail’ parameter is missing in the type in the upper part of the Web.Config in the SendMail configuration section.

If this is the case, this parameter must be added and then looks as follows:

<section name="CoglasPro.Core.Services.SendMailService.Properties.Settings" type="CoglasPro.Core.Services.SendMail.SendMailServiceConfigurationSection" />

Example in the Web.Config:



To activate the set parameters and adjustments in the server\web.config, the web service and the App Pool must then be restarted. Proceed as follows:

Finalise changes -> Shut down web service with app pool -> Save web config -> Restart web service and app pool.

Attention! If the Web.config is saved during operation, this acts like a restart of the web service and interrupts current sessions in COGLAS."

Warning message

Warning message


Unfortunately, the process was not successful. Please try again later.

Check whether the type is correct in the web.config under the <section> entry:

  • type=‘CoglasPro.Core.Services.SendMail.SendMailServiceConfigurationSection’)

In some web.configs the ‘SendMail’ part is missing in the type.

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